sierpień 2024

Another year of work by the National Smart Specialisations working group in collaboration with the Socially Responsible Business Foundation

2024-08-09T09:48:37+00:00By |News|

The National Smart Specialisation initiative is supervised by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. This Ministry coordinates the work of the working groups and provides both administrative and substantive support for activities undertaken within the framework of the National Smart Specialisations (KIS). The KIS 2 working group is composed of representatives from various economic [...]

Możliwość komentowania Another year of work by the National Smart Specialisations working group in collaboration with the Socially Responsible Business Foundation została wyłączona

European Climate Pact: towards EU climate neutrality by 2050

2024-08-07T10:38:28+00:00By |News|

The European Climate Pact is a European Commission initiative to unite citizens, communities, and organisations in the fight against and adaptation to climate change. As part of the European Green Deal, the Climate Pact aims to help the European Union achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The main objectives of the European Climate Pact include: to [...]

Możliwość komentowania European Climate Pact: towards EU climate neutrality by 2050 została wyłączona

The Socially Responsible Business Foundation is an Official Partner of the European Climate Pact

2024-08-07T09:07:05+00:00By |News|

It is with great joy and pride that we announce that the Socially Responsible Business Foundation has become an official Partner in the European Climate Pact project! This accolade is a recognition of our past actions for sustainable development and commitment to the fight against climate change.   What is the European Climate Pact? The [...]

Możliwość komentowania The Socially Responsible Business Foundation is an Official Partner of the European Climate Pact została wyłączona
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